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Project presentation
Project name
"Our Environment - Our Future (MN-VN)"
Running period
February 2022 - August 2023
Overall objective of the project:
The cooperation project „Our Environment – Our Future (MN-VN)” aims to raise the awareness of the population of the partner territories about environmental protection, the importance of natural heritage and ecotourism, by organising information, educational and entertainment events, greening actions, exchange of experience, actions to promote local tourism, etc. All these activities are aimed at developing this sector in particular and the economy in general.
Specific objectives:
- Protecting the environment
- Promoting local tourism and ecotourism
- Enhancement of green, natural and protected areas and environmental heritage in general
- Raising awareness of the value of local natural heritage among students
- Supporting local environmental and cultural associations
- Introduction of new information technologies to promote tourism potential
- Awareness of the importance of natural resources and environmental protection
- GAL Covurlui Association – Coordinator
- GAL Eremia Grigorescu 1863 Galati Association – Partner
- GAL Valea Prutului Association – Partner
- LEADER Association Colinele Moldovei – Partner
- Stowarzyszenie LGD „Zielony Szlak Niziny Mazowieckiej” – Partner
- Stowarzyszenie LGD Morawskie Wrota – Partner
Project activities:
- Activity 1: Project management
- Activity 2: Realisation of investments necessary for the implementation of the cooperation project activities
- Activity 3: Production of promotional materials necessary to promote and/or implement the objectives and actions of the cooperation project
- Activity 4: Organising an exchange of experience and common good practice
- Activity 5: Conduct information sessions in schools based on the activity schedule of each LAG
- Activity 6: Organising greening actions in LAG territories
- Activity 7: Establishing common methodology to extract and analyse information from the territory
- Activity 8: Identifying routes/trails for cycling
- Activity 9: Development of a shared mobile and web application with elements related to heritage and local identity.
- Activity 10: Online advertising to increase the visibility of the website and the software application
- Activity 11: Cycling actions
- Activity 12: Joint action to promote tourism in the territories
- Activity 13: Establishment of a tourist information and environmental information centre
- Activity 14: Making a project website
- Activity 15: Dissemination of project results
Transnational cooperation project financed with non-reimbursable European funds through
LEADER Programme 19.3B, NRDP 2014 – 2020.