GAL Covurlui Association - Coordinator
The Covurlui LAG partnership is made up of 15 communities: 11 municipalities (Bălăbănești, Băleni, Berești Meria, Cavadinești, Corni, Jorăști, Oancea, Rădești, Smulți, Suceveni, Vârlezi) and a small town(Berești) in Galați county and 3 communes(Fruntișeni, Grivița, Vinderei) in Vaslui county, with a total of 35,275 inhabitants, a density of 35.45 inhabitants/km2 and an area of 994.83km2.
During the 2014 – 2020 programming period, through the implementation of the LEADER programme, the Covurlui LAG partnership aims to:
- reducing poverty and the risk of social exclusion;
- upgrading basic infrastructure and adequate services in rural areas;
- increasing and diversifying employment in rural areas;
- preservation of local heritage;
- local development through the LEADER approach;
- improving collaboration between rural actors;
- upgrading ICT infrastructure;
- raising the knowledge level of the population;
- combating the depopulation of villages;
- to raise the living standards of the population in the LAG.
In the framework of the implementation of the LEADER programme, the Covurlui LAG has proposed to carry out cooperation activities financed by sub-measure 19.3 “Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of the Local Action Group” which contribute to the achievement of at least one of the following objectives of the LDS:
- promotion of associations and producer groups;
- actions supporting vulnerable groups;
- joint cultural activities contributing to the objectives of the LDS;
- collective approaches to environmental projects;
- pilot projects covering any of the above actions;
- exchange of experience and good practice on local development.
The Covurlui LAG’s area of action is in its essential parts similar to other rural areas in Romania, but obviously it also has some characteristics of its own that make it specific.
Phone: 0753 801 729
GAL Eremia Grigorescu 1863 Galati Association - Partner
The territory of GAL EREMIA GRIGORESCU 1863 is part of the unit Podișul Moldovei and is made up of 12 Territorial Administrative Units (UATs), namely: town Targu Bujor, communes Vanatori, Tulucesti, Frumusita, Scanteiesti, Cuca, Rediu, Foltesti, Mastacani, Firtanesti, Vladesti, Baneasa.
The objectives of the Association, as decided by the General Assembly of Founding Members, are:
a) implementation of the Local Development Strategy of the territory targeted by the ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL ACTION GROUP EREMIA GRIGORESCU 1863 GALAȚI;
b) development and implementation of projects offered by the LEADER programme, Axis 4 of the National Rural Development Programme;
c) the choice of projects to be financed under the strategy, establishing the criteria for project selection in accordance with the specific priorities of the local development strategies;
d) preparing and providing expert assistance to local legal entities and individuals who wish to participate in projects under the National Rural Development Plan (NRDP) in the interest of the local authorities in the group’s territory and in the Association’s personal non-patrimonial interest;
e) encouraging innovation and the modernisation of traditional forms of know-how or finding new solutions to persistent rural problems;
f) actions to promote private-public partnerships;
g) Diversification of economic activities generating multiple activities and alternative income constituted in favour of the Association and necessarily used to achieve the Association’s purpose;
h) collaboration with other entities at national and international level with similar aims, in particular with other organisations, whatever their form of organisation, participating in the LEADER programme;
i) improving the environment and the countryside, increasing the quality of life and diversifying economic activities in rural areas by implementing integrated local development strategies;
j) promotion of the territory targeted by the ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL ACTION GROUP EREMIA GRIGORESCU 1863 GALATI and its association with other regions in the country and abroad.
GAL Eremia Grigorescu 1863 Galati is a public-private partnership formed by 39 founding members, divided into three categories of entities, namely:
– 12 TAUs, having as legal representatives the 12 mayors of the territory formed, representing 31% of the total members;
– 2 NGOs representing civil society and 5% of the total membership of the territory;
– 25 Private companies, where the legal representatives are the directors of the companies, with a representation of 64% of the total founding members.
Phone: 0745 525 942
GAL Valea Prutului Association - Partner
The Prut Valley LAG is a public-private partnership made up of 11 local public authorities, 4 NGOs, 2 cult units, 4 agricultural companies, 16 SRLs, 6 I.I, 1 producer group, 1 water and irrigation users’ organization, 1PFA, 1 I.I. The territory of the Prut Valley LAG covers the counties of Iasi and Botoșani, including the municipalities in the NE of Iasi county and the SE of Botoșani county.
The territory encompasses a number of 11 TAUs, of which 8 TAUs in Iasi county: Andrieșeni, Bivolari, Popricani, Probota, Roșcani, Țigănași, Trifești and Victoria and 3 TAUs in Botoșani county: Romanești, Santa Mare and the town of Ștefănești according to Annex 2 of the SDL, comprising a total of 58 localities.
Situated on the border with the Republic of Moldova, the territory of GAL Valea Prutului is parallel to the Prut River, crossing the north-eastern half of Iasi County, occupying the SE part of Botoșani County.
The total area of the territory of the Prut Valley Local Action Group is 736.96 square km representing 7.04% of the total area of Iasi and Botosani counties.
The total population of the territory is 45,861 inhabitants. The population of the territory represents 3.26% of the combined population of the two counties. A total of 34,991 inhabitants live in Iasi County, representing 4.23% of the total population of Iasi County and 8.04% of the rural population of Iasi County. Within Botoșani County there are 10,970 inhabitants, i.e. 2.42% of the total population of Botoșani County, representing 1.19% of the rural population (5,192 inhabitants) and 1.45% of the urban population (5,678 inhabitants) of Botoșani County.
The population density within the territory of the Prut Valley Local Action Group is 62.23 inhabitants/square km.
Phone: 0758 521 935
LEADER Association - Colinele Moldovei - Partner
The main purpose of Leader Colinele Moldovei Association is to support the sustainable rural development of the communities in the area served (Albești, Calarasi, Copalau, Durnesti, Dobarcenî, Frumușica, Hlipiceni, Lunca, Rauseni, Sulița, Todireni, Trusesti and the town of Flamanzi in Botoșani county, as well as Deleni in lasi county)., promoting cooperation to solve common problems, by designing and implementing projects and accessing European, national and/or other types of grants, thus laying the foundations for identifying local needs, strengthening development capacity and implementing the Local Development Strategy, mainly, but not only, for the 2014-2020-2023 time horizon, with a view to preserving rural and cultural heritage, developing the economic environment and improving the organisational skills of local communities.
The objectives of the association are:
- Development and implementation of projects offered by the LEADER Programme 2014-2020, measure 19 in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and other specific documents;
- Elaboration and implementation of the Local Development Strategy (LDS), taking as a starting point the needs identified at local level and the endogenous potential, as they are found in the file that has obtained funding through PNDR 2014-2020, according to the Selection Report published on the website, with possible modifications and additions, according to the specific procedures developed by the Directorate General for Rural Development – Managing Authority for the National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (DGDR-AMPNDR) and the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR);
- Selection of projects to be funded under the LDS, setting the criteria for project selection in line with the specific priorities set out in the respective Local Development Strategy;
- Preparing and providing expert assistance to local legal entities and individuals who want to participate in projects under the National Rural Development Plan (NRDP);
- Encouraging innovation and modernisation of traditional forms of know-how or finding new solutions to existing and identified rural problems;
- Carry out actions to promote public-private partnerships;
- Support the balanced use of local resources;
- Diversification of economic activities to generate multiple activities and alternative income within the local communities served;
- In the context of developing local development strategies based on local needs and strengths, supporting the combination of the main objectives – competitiveness, environment and quality of life/diversification, to protect and enhance the local natural and cultural heritage, raise environmental awareness, stimulate investment and promote specialised services, tourism and renewable energy resources.
- Consultancy activities for private and/or public beneficiaries, in order to access programmes through the NRDP, in sessions open at national level, but also in the framework of other funding programmes (European, national and/or other specific grants), conf. art 48 of OG 26/2000, as amended.
- With the prior approval of the Governing Board, the Association may become involved, in its own name and/or through partnerships set up for this purpose, in the writing and implementation of other types of projects with national, European and/or other types of grant funding, projects which are related to the above objectives and which are, at a given time, considered to be appropriate in carrying out the specific activity carried out and in supporting the sustainable development of the communities served. In support of such initiatives, the General Assembly may approve the participation of the Association in the co-financing of such projects from its own sources, established in compliance with the provisions of the Association’s statutory acts and the relevant legal regulations.
The territory of the LAG “Leader Association Colinele Moldovei” is composed of 14 localities, 13 belonging to Botoșani County, namely Flămânzi, Albești, Călărași, Copălău, Frumușica, Hlipiceni, Lunca, Răuseni, Sulița, Todireni, Dobârceni, Durnești, Trușești and one locality from Iași County: Deleni. The territorial area has an area of 1,102.64km2 and a population of 68,429 inhabitants, with a density of 62.06 inhabitants/km2.
Phone: 0759 017 602
Stowarzyszenie LGD “Zielony Szlak Niziny Mazowieckiej” – Partner
Stowarzyszenie LGD “Zielony Szlak Niziny Mazowieckiej” (ZSNM) is a “special” association with legal personality, established on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 7 March 2007 on support for rural development with the participation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the Act on support for the sustainable development of the fisheries sector with the participation of the European Fisheries Fund and the Act of 20 February 2015 on local development with the participation of the local community.
The aim of the association is to work for the development of rural areas in particular:
- preparation and implementation of the Local Development Strategy (LDS), within the meaning of the Law of 20 February 2015 on local development with the participation of the local community (Journal of Laws 2015.378), and the provisions of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, for the field of activity of the LAG,
- promoting rural areas,
- mobilising the population to participate in the process of sustainable development of rural areas,
- Dissemination and exchange of information on initiatives related to the activation of the rural population,
- implementing their own programmes and projects and providing support to residents covered by the SDL in the area of project preparation and obtaining funds for their implementation, including aid programmes;
- undertaking initiatives and activities aimed at: supporting local development in rural areas and supporting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas, developing and promoting local products, tourism, human resources, civil society and information, improving the aesthetics of towns in the LAG area of operation and the safety of residents, educating residents in the LAG area of operation, and job activation, countering social and digital exclusion, countering social pathologies, developing infrastructure improving and facilitating the lives of residents covered by the LDS, promoting a healthy lifestyle and preserving cultural heritage in the LAG area of operation;
- establishing contacts in order to obtain sources of funding, raising financial and material resources.
The Local Action Group Association – “Zielony Szlak Niziny Mazowieckiej” covers the area of eight local government units in Maków district (Mazowieckie voivodeship):
- Municipality of Czerwonka
- Krasnosielc commune
- Municipality of Młynarze
- Town of Makow Mazowiecki
- Commune of Płoniawy – Bramura
- Commune and town of Różan
- Municipality of Sypniewo
- Municipality of Szelków
Six of the local government units mentioned above are rural municipalities – Czerwonka, Krasnosielc, Młynarze, Płoniawy – Bramura, Sypniewo, Szelków, one is a rural-urban municipality – Różan and one is a municipal municipality – Maków Mazowiecki.
The LAG area covers an area of approximately 824km2. The largest part of the area belongs to the municipality of Krasnosielc and the smallest to the town of Maków Mazowiecki. The number of inhabitants in the LAG area exceeds 38 000.
Phone/fax: (29) 761 60 78
Stowarzyszenie LGD Morawskie Wrota – Partner
Stowarzyszenie LGD Morawskie Wrota is an organization that was established in 2008 as a partnership between three municipalities, i.e. Godowa, Gorzy c and Krzyżanowice, and in 2015 the following municipalities joined: Lubomia, Marklowice and Mszana. The association operates on the basis of the LEADER programme of the Rural Development Programme. Members of the association are residents, social, economic and public entities. The area of the Moravian Gate is 259km2 and is inhabited by more than 66.3 thousand people, residents.
The primary goal of the Association is to work for the development of rural areas, mobilizing residents to actively participate in their development, developing rural tourism, preserving natural resources and historical and cultural heritage, raising environmental awareness, shaping civil society and developing entrepreneurship in rural areas.
A detailed action plan is set out in the community-led Local Development Strategy 2016-2023, LDS for short. LAG funds are allocated to improve the quality of public space in municipalities (dog parks, sports grounds, parking lots, renovation of cultural facilities, recreational areas) and are also offered to entrepreneurs for the establishment and development of companies. Residents get grants for various events such as rafting, rallies, orientation, celebrations, concerts, computer training, dance, music and other workshops.
GAL Morawskie Wrota has initiated the following projects: “Morawskie Gates Spring Tournaments”, “Intercommunal Bicycle Rallies”, cooperation projects integrating residents around the topic of crafts – KREATOR, active recreation – AS, or youth entrepreneurship – POWE-R, as well as culinary, sports, tourism and regional projects. On our initiative, the first Mission called “Discover the meanders again” was created in Silesian Voivodeship.
The association carries out activities that activate its members on an ongoing basis, such as trainings, workshops and study visits. Their goal is to learn about best practices and to learn from each other.
Phone/fax: 32 45 15 034